Rachel Miller is highly experienced chiropodist and podiatrist registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Rachel specialises in biomechanics, gait analysis and orthotic insoles and practices at Highgate Podiatry, in Highgate village, 14 Pond Square, N6 6BA, north London.

Rachel is a gentle and caring practitioner who believes it is very important to understand her patient’s needs and help them make informed decisions about their condition. 

Rachel qualified with a BSc Podiatric Medicine from the only specialist podiatry degree course in London at the University of East London (UEL). She is a member of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (MChS), has a Prescription Only Medicines Certificate and is registered with the major healthcare insurance providers.

Rachel’s clinics are held at Highgate Podiatry every Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Call 020 8348 5553 to make an appointment

“Understanding my patients’ needs and working closely with them to make informed decisions about their care is paramount to me. I treat patients of all ages and enjoy working with young adults and children. I have a wide range of expertise, treating a variety of conditions and specialising in biomechanics, gait analysis, and orthotic insoles. I also work with athletes to support them in their chosen sports and professions, helping them alleviate strains that might occur.

My professional career has included working as a senior podiatrist within a busy podiatric team for the NHS. I strive to continuously advance my podiatric knowledge and practice and keep up to date with modern techniques and developments.

I have two children, am a keen gardener who enjoys walks on Hampstead Heath and an active family life.”

Rachel’s clinics at Highgate Podiatry, Highgate village, 14 Pond Square, N6 6BA, north London, are held every Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Contact Highgate Podiatry for an appointment on 020 8348 5553. For the clinic’s address, map and directions see the Contact page. For information about chiropody see the Podiatry page and for information about biomechanical assessments and orthotic insoles see the Biomechanics page.

Contact the Centre for an appointment on 020 8348 5553