- £50 for a 30 minute chiropody appointment
Normally conditions such as hard skin, nail cutting, etc, can be dealt with during a chiropody consultation. There may be a charge for requesting a written summery.
- £80 for a one hour biomechanical assessment
- £50 for a 30 minute review biomechanical assessment
If you are prescribed an orthotic insole the cost for a cast and the orthotics are:
- £80 plaster cast
- £160 pair of orthotic insoles
If you are prescribed an orthotic insole the cost includes a follow-up appointment where your orthotic is properly fitted into your shoe or trainer. All orthotics are guaranteed for 18 months and most casts are kept for a minimum of 2 years should you want to order more. There may be a charge for requesting a written summery.
Rachel Miller is recognised by most major insurance companies. There are many different policies and levels of insurance cover concerning podiatry, biomechanical assessments, casts and orthotics. Contact your insurance company to confirm your level of cover.