Sports Injuries and Biomechanics

Sports injuries generally can be classified into two types: acute injuries that occur suddenly, usually as a result of accidents, and chronic injuries that develop gradually due to repetitive overuse. Regardless of the type of injury, there is usually an underlying cause that needs to be investigated to aid in recovery and prevent recurrence.

A biomechanical assessment and gait analysis can assist in diagnosing the causes of sports injuries and aid in their treatment. 

Rachel Miller is a highly experienced podiatrist specialising in biomechanics, gait analysis and orthotic insoles. She treats many people with sports injuries and lower limb disorders.

Rachel is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and is a member of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (MChS). She also has a Prescription Only Medicines Certificate.  Rachel is recognised by most major healthcare insurance providers.

Her clinic, Highgate Podiatry, is in Highgate village, 14 Pond Square, N6 6BA, North London. For clinic directions and map see the Contact page.

Please see below for a more detailed explanation of sports injuries.

Contact the clinic for an appointment on 020 8348 5553

You may have been referred to Rachel for an assessment by your Consultant, GP or other medical professional or you can self-refer if you have concerns and want to be seen by a highly experienced podiatrist.

Sports Injuries

Links to some common sports conditions:

Sports injuries and biomechanics

A biomechanical assessment and gait analysis is a comprehensive examination of your body and the way you move with the aim of diagnosing a wide range of conditions.  It may  identify any underlying causes, which can be multi-factorial, that have made you more susceptible to disorders that cause pain, discomfort or injury.

An early diagnosis of an injury, along with a biomechanical assessment and treatment plan, can help with your rehabilitation and reduce the likelihood of recurring injuries.  For more information about biomechanical assessments and gait analysis see the Biomechanics page.

Causes of sports injuries

Risk factors that may contribute to injury include:

  • previous injury
  • muscle imbalance
  • biomechanical problems
  • technical errors and training errors; not warming up; pushing yourself too hard
  • changes to training patterns, their volume and intensity
  • changing to a different shoe or using the wrong footwear
  • changing the surface that you are training or competing on and training on hard surfaces
  • age; adolescents and older people can be particularly susceptible
  • certain medical conditions

Children are more prone to certain types of sports injuries, especially during the period of rapid pubescent growth when they are often involved in intense physical activities. These injuries can result from various factors and a thorough diagnosis from an experienced podiatrist may help in reducing the likelihood their recurrence.  For more information about children’s sports injuries see the Children page.

Treatment of sports injuries

Depending on the assessment, the nature and severity of your condition, your overall health and medical history, treatment may include:

PRICE: protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation.

Other treatments can include:

  • strengthening and stretching exercises
  • preventive advice
  • sports taping
  • footwear advice
  • medication
  • an orthotic insole

An orthotic insole can be prescribed as a beneficial, non-invasive part of treatment.  An orthotic insole can provide support, help cushion and aligns foot structure to correct imbalances that aggravate the normal stresses and strains that vigorous activity can entail. It may help a sportsperson improve their performance by making exercise more mechanically and energy-efficient. See the Orthotic insoles page for more information about bespoke orthotic insoles.

In some cases, you may be referred for diagnostic imaging such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans or a referral to another specialist for further investigations may be recommended.

 Call 020 8348 5553 to make an appointment

Rachel Miller is a highly experienced podiatrist specialising in biomechanics and orthotic insoles who treats many patients for sports injuries. Her clinic Highgate Podiatry, is in Highgate Village, 14 Pond Square, London, N6 6BA, London. Clinics are held every Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Please contact the clinic for an appointment on 020 8348 5553. For Highgate Podiatry’s address, map and directions see the Contact page. For clinic directions and map and see the Contact page and for information about chiropody see the Podiatry page.

Links to Services:

Links to Conditions Treated Include: